Great Peace of the Republic (980 BBY - 33 BBY)[edit | edit source]
Collapse of the Republic (33 BBY - 19 BBY)[edit | edit source]
Imperial Period (19 BBY - 2 BBY)[edit | edit source]
- Republic 0: Prelude to Rebellion 0 (R0); Webcomic, C-Canon [Flashback]
- "Vow of Justice, Part 1" - Republic 4: Prelude to Rebellion, Part 4 (R4:VoJ1); Comic, C-Canon
- "Vow of Justice, Part 2" - Republic 5: Prelude to Rebellion, Part 5 (R5:VoJ2); Comic, C-Canon
- "Vow of Justice, Part 3" - Republic 6: Prelude to Rebellion, Part 6 (R6:VoJ3); Comic, C-Canon
- The Tenebrous Way (TTW); Short Story, C-Canon
- Darth Plagueis (DP); Novel, C-Canon [Part 1]
- Jango Fett: Open Seasons 3 (JF:OS3); Comic Book, C-Canon [Flashback]
- Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force (JA:TRF); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival (JA:TDR); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Jedi Apprentice: The Hidden Past (JA:THP); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- "Mythology" - Star Wars Tales 14 (T14:M); Comic, C-Canon
- Jedi Apprentice: The Mark of the Crown (JA:TMotC); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Jedi Apprentice: The Defenders of the Dead (JA:TDotD); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Jedi Apprentice: The Uncertain Path (JA:TUP); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Jedi Apprentice: The Captive Temple (JA:TCT); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Jedi Apprentice: The Day of Reckoning (JA:TDoR); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Jedi Apprentice Special Edition: Deceptions (JASE:D); Junior Novel, C-Canon [Part 1]
- Legacy of the Jedi (LotJ); Junior Novel, C-Canon [Part 3]
- Jedi Apprentice: The Fight for Truth (JA:TFfT); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Jedi Apprentice: The Shattered Peace (JA:TSP); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Republic 36: The Stark Hyperspace War, Part 1 (R36); Comic Book, C-Canon [Flashback]
- Republic 37: The Stark Hyperspace War, Part 2 (R37); Comic Book, C-Canon [Flashback]
- Republic 38: The Stark Hyperspace War, Part 3 (R38); Comic Book, C-Canon [Flashback]
- Republic 39: The Stark Hyperspace War, Part 4 (R39); Comic Book, C-Canon [Flashback]
- "Life, Death, and the Living Force" - Star Wars Tales 1 (T1:LDatLF); Comic, C-Canon
- The Wrath of Darth Maul (TWoDM); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Republic 0: Prelude to Rebellion 0 (R0); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Republic 1: Prelude to Rebellion, Part 1 (R1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 2: Prelude to Rebellion, Part 2 (R2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 3: Prelude to Rebellion, Part 3 (R3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 4: Prelude to Rebellion, Part 4 (R4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 5: Prelude to Rebellion, Part 5 (R5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 6: Prelude to Rebellion, Part 6 (R6); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 40: The Devaronian Version, Part 1 (R40); Comic Book, C-Canon [Flashback; Concurrent with Jedi Council: Acts of War 1 and Jedi Council: Acts of War 2]
- Jedi Council: Acts of War 1 (JC:AoW1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Jedi Council: Acts of War 2 (JC:AoW2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 41: The Devaronian Version, Part 2 (R41); Comic Book, C-Canon [Flashback; Concurrent with Jedi Council: Acts of War 3 and Jedi Council: Acts of War 4]
- Jedi Council: Acts of War 3 (JC:AoW3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Jedi Council: Acts of War 4 (JC:AoW4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Deal with a Demon" - Star Wars Tales 3 (T2:DwaD); Comic, C-Canon
- The Starfighter Trap (G1:TST); Short Story, C-Canon
- Darth Maul: Saboteur (DM:S); Novella, C-Canon
- Cloak of Deception (CoD); Novel, C-Canon
- Maul: Lockdown (M:L); Novel, C-Canon
- "A Summer's Dream" - Star Wars Tales 5 (T5:ASD); Comic, C-Canon
- Darth Maul 1 (DM1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Maul 2 (DM2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Maul 3 (DM3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Maul 4 (DM4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "The Death of Captain Tarpals" - Star Wars Tales 3 (T3:TDoCT); Comic, C-Canon
- "Single Cell" - Star Wars Tales 7 (T7:SC); Comic, C-Canon{3:3:5}
- Episode I Adventures 1: Search for the Lost Jedi (E1A1:SftLJ); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Episode I Adventures 2: The Bartokk Assassins (E1A2:TBA); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Episode I Adventures 3: The Fury of Darth Maul (E1A3:TFoDM); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Episode I Adventures 4: Jedi Emergency (E1A4:JE); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Obi-Wan (SW:O-W); Video Game, C-Canon
- Episode I Adventures 5: The Ghostling Children (E1A5:TGC); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Episode I Adventures 6: The Hunt for Anakin Skywalker (E1A6:THfAS); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Episode I Adventures 7: Capture Arawynne (E1A7:CA); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Episode I Adventures 8: Trouble on Tatooine (E1A8:ToT); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Episode I Adventures 9: Rescue in the Core (E1A9:RitC); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Episode I Adventures 10: Festival of Warriors (E1A10:FoW); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Episode I Adventures 11: Pirates from Beyond the Sea (E1A11:PfBtS); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Episode I Adventures 12: The Bongo Rally (E1A12:TBR); Young Adult Novel, C-Canon
- Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter (DM:SH); Novel, C-Canon
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (3:4:14 - 3:4:20)[edit | edit source]
- "Force Fiction" - Star Wars Tales 7 (T7:FF); Comic, C-Canon
- Republic 7: Outlander, Part 1 (R7); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 8: Outlander, Part 2 (R8); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 9: Outlander, Part 3 (R9); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 10: Outlander, Part 4 (R10); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 11: Outlander, Part 5 (R11); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 12: Outlander, Part 6 (R12); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Bad Business" - Star Wars Tales 8 (T8:BB); Comic, C-Canon
- Republic 13: Emissaries to Malastare, Part 1 (R13); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 14: Emissaries to Malastare, Part 2 (R14); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 15: Emissaries to Malastare, Part 3 (R15); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 16: Emissaries to Malastare, Part 4 (R16); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 17: Emissaries to Malastare, Part 5 (R17); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 18: Emissaries to Malastare, Part 6 (R18); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (SW:BH); Video Game, C-Canon
- Jango Fett: Open Seasons 1 (JF:OS1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Jango Fett: Open Seasons 2 (JF:OS2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Jango Fett: Open Seasons 3 (JF:OS3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Jango Fett: Open Seasons 4 (JF:OS4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Nomad, Chapter 1" - Star Wars Tales 21 (T21:Nc1); Comic, C-Canon
- "Nomad, Chapter 2" - Star Wars Tales 22 (T22:Nc2); Comic, C-Canon
- "Nomad, Chapter 3" - Star Wars Tales 23 (T23:Nc3); Comic, C-Canon
- "Nomad, Chapter 4" - Star Wars Tales 24 (T24:Nc4); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars Episode I: The Gungan Frontier (SWEI:TGF); Video Game, C-Canon
- Republic 19: Twilight, Part 1 (R19); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 20: Twilight, Part 2 (R20); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 21: Twilight, Part 3 (R21); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 22: Twilight, Part 4 (R22); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 23: Infinity's End, Part 1 (R23); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 24: Infinity's End, Part 2 (R24); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 25: Infinity's End, Part 3 (R25); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 26: Infinity's End, Part 4 (R26); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 27: Starcrash (R27); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "The Sith in the Shadow" - Star Wars Tales 13 (T13:TSitS); Comic, C-Canon
- Republic 28: The Hunt for Aurra Sing, Part 1 (R28); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 29: The Hunt for Aurra Sing, Part 2 (R29); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 30: The Hunt for Aurra Sing, Part 3 (R30); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 31: The Hunt for Aurra Sing, Part 4 (R31); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Heart of Fire (DHE:HoF); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 32: Darkness, Part 1 (R32); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 33: Darkness, Part 2 (R33); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 34: Darkness, Part 3 (R34); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 35: Darkness, Part 4 (R35); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 36: The Stark Hyperspace War, Part 1 (R36); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 37: The Stark Hyperspace War, Part 2 (R37); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 38: The Stark Hyperspace War, Part 3 (R38); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 39: The Stark Hyperspace War, Part 4 (R39); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 40: The Devaronian Version, Part 1 (R40); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 41: The Devaronian Version, Part 2 (R41); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Incident at Horn Station" - Star Wars Tales 2 (T2:IaHS); Comic, C-Canon
- Jedi Quest: Path to Truth (JQ:PtT); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Jedi Quest 1 (JQ1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Jedi Quest 2 (JQ2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Jedi Quest 3 (JQ3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Jedi Quest 4 (JQ4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 42: Rite of Passage, Part 1 (R42); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 43: Rite of Passage, Part 2 (R43); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 44: Rite of Passage, Part 3 (R44); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 45: Rite of Passage, Part 4 (R45); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Temple of Phantoms" - Star Wars Comic UK 7.9 (SWC:ToP); Comic, C-Canon
- Jedi Quest: The Final Showdown (JQ:TFS); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- "The Way of the Warrior" - Star Wars Tales 18 (T18:TWotW); Comic, C-Comic
- Star Wars Adventures 1: Hunt the Sun Runner (HtSR); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Star Wars Adventures 2: The Cavern of Screaming Skulls (TCoSS); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Star Wars Adventures 3: The Hostage Princess (THP); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Star Wars Adventures 4: Jango Fett vs. the Razor Eaters (JFvtRE); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Star Wars Adventures 5: The Shape-Shifter Strikes (TSSS); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Star Wars Adventures 6: The Warlords of Balmorra (TWoB); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Hondo Ohnaka's Not-So-Big Score (HON-S-BS); Short Story, C-Canon
- Republic 46: Honor and Duty, Part 1 (R46); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 47: Honor and Duty, Part 2 (R47); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 48: Honor and Duty, Part 3 (R48); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "A Jedi's Weapon" - Star Wars Tales 12 (T12:AJW); Comic, C-Canon
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (13:5:16 - 13:5:24)[edit | edit source]
- Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (AotC); Film, G-Canon
- Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Novel) (AotC(n)): Novel, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Junior Novel) (AotC(jn)); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 1 (AotC1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 2 (AotC2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 3 (AotC3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 4 (AotC4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (PhotoComic) (AotC(pc); PhotoComic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Video Game) (AotC(vg)); Video Game, C-Canon
- Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive (BF:TFtS); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Death in the Catacombs (DitC); Short Story, C-Canon
- Elusion Illusion (EI); Short Story, C-Canon
- "One of a Kind" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 8 (CWA8:OoaK); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns (SW:GB:CC); Video Game, C-Canon {13:6}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SW:TCW); Video Game, C-Canon
- Republic 49: Sacrifice (R49); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Dark Journey" - Star Wars Tales 17 (T17:DJ); Comic, C-Comic [Flashback]
- Boba Fett: Crossfire (BF:C); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 6" (CW6); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 7" (CW7); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Republic 50: The Defense of Kamino (R50); Comic Book, C-Canon {13:7}
- Boba Fett: Maze of Deception (BF:MoD); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- The Pengalan Tradeoff (TPT); Short Story, C-Canon
- "Blind Force" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 1 (CWA1:BF); Comic, C-Canon [Concurrent with "Heavy Metal Jedi" ]
- "Heavy Metal Jedi" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 1 (CWA1:BF); Comic, C-Canon [Concurrent with "Blind Force"]
- Boba Fett: Hunted (BF:H); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Republic 51: The New Face of War, Part 1 (R51); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 52: The New Face of War, Part 2 (R52); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Jedi: Mace Windu (J:MW); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Tides of Terror" - Star Wars Tales 14 (T14:ToT); Comic, C-Canon
- Republic 53: Blast Radius (R53); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Rogue's Gallery" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 3 (CWA3:RG); Comic, C-Canon
- "The Package" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 3 (CWA3:TP); Comic, C-Canon
- "A Stranger In Town" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 3 (CWA3:ASIT); Comic, C-Canon
- "One Battle" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 3 (CWA3:OB); Comic, C-Canon
- Storm Fleet Warnings (HSSC:SFW); Short Story, C-Canon {13:8}
- Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:2:12 (RHNNCE14:2:12); Short Story, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 1" (CW1); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 2" (CW2); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 3" (CW3); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 4" (CW4); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 5" (CW5); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 8" (CW8); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 9" (CW9); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 10" (CW10); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 11" (CW11); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 12" (CW12); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 13" (CW13); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 14" (CW14); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 15" (CW15); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 16" (CW16); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 17" (CW17); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 18" (CW18); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 19" (CW19); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 20" (CW20); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 21" (CW21); Television Episode, C-Canon [Part 1]
- "Fierce Currents" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 1 (CWA1:BF); Comic, C-Canon
- Duel (HSSC:D); Short Story, C-Canon
- "Old Scores" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 8 (CWA8:OS); Comic, C-Canon
- League of Spies (LoS); Short Story, C-Canon
- Jedi: Shaak Ti (J:ST); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic Commando: Hard Contact (RC:HC); Novel, C-Canon
- Legacy of the Jedi (LotJ); Junior Novel, C-Canon [Part 4] {13:9}
- Escape from Dagu (EfD); Novel, C-Canon
- Kinect Star Wars (KSW); Video Game, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The New Droid Army (SW:TNDA); Video Game, C-Canon
- "Versus" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 8 (CWA8:V); Comic, C-Canon
- Omega Squad: Targets (OS:T); Short Story, C-Canon {13:10}
- CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:7:01 Edition - Star Wars Insider 68 (CISSD14:7:01); Short Story, C-Canon
- Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:7:02 - Star Wars Insider 68 (RHNNCE14:7:02); Short Story, C-Canon
- CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:4:12 Edition - Star Wars Insider 67 (CISSD14:4:12); Short Story, C-Canon
- Hero of Cartao (HoC); Short Story, C-Canon
- The Cestus Deception (TCD); Novel, C-Canon [Concurrent with The Hive]
- The Hive (TH); Novella, C-Canon [Concurrent with The Cestus Deception]
- "Run Mace Run" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 2 (CWA2:RMR); Comic, C-Canon
- "Bailed Out" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 5 (CWA5:BO); Comic, C-Canon
- "Impregnable" - Clone Wars Adventure Volume 7 (CWA7:I); Comic, C-Canon
- Republic 54: Double Blind (R54); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Hide in Plain Sight" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 2 (CWA2:HiPS); Comic, C-Canon
- Republic 55: The Rainmakers (R55); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Shatterpoint]
- Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:9:01 - Star Wars Insider 69 (RHNNCE14:9:01); Short Story, C-Canon
- Shatterpoint (S); Novel, C-Canon [Concurrent with *Jedi: Aayla Secura, Republic 55: The Rainmakers, Republic 56: Stormchasers, Republic 57: Lightning Rods, Republic 58: Floodgates, Jedi: Count Dooku, Equipment]
- Equipment (HSSC:E); Short Story, C-Canon [Concurrent with Shatterpoint]
- Jedi: Aayla Secura (J:AS); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Shatterpoint]
- Republic 56: Stormchasers (R56); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Shatterpoint] {13:11}
- CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:9:08 Edition - Star Wars Insider 69 (CISCD14:9:08); Short Story, C-Canon
- Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:9:04 - Star Wars Insider 70 (RHNNCE14:9:04); Short Story, C-Canon
- Republic 57: Lightning Rods (R57); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Shatterpoint]
- Jedi: Count Dooku (J:CD); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Shatterpoint]
- Republic 58: Floodgates (R58); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Shatterpoint]
- Republic 59: Enemy Lines (R59); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 60: Hate and Fear (R60); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 61: Dead Ends (R61); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 62: No Man's Land (R62); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 64: Bloodlines (R64); Comic Book, C-Comic
- "Rather Darkness Visible" - Star Wars Tales 19 (T19:RDV); Comic Book, C-Comic
- Republic 63: Striking from the Shadows (R63); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Jedi: Yoda (J:Y); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Dark Journey" - Star Wars Tales 17 (T17:DJ); Comic, C-Comic
- CIS Shadowfeed Year's Start Fete Day Edition - Star Wars Insider 72 (CISSYSFDA); Short Story, C-Canon
- Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 15:01:13 - Star Wars Insider 73 (RNNCE15:01:13); Short Story, C-Canon
- Changing Seasons (CS); Short Story, C-Canon {14:1}
- Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 15:2:22 - Star Wars Insider 74 (RHNNCE15:2:22); Short Story, C-Canon
- CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 15:01:15 Edition - Star Wars Insider 73 (CISSD15:01:15); Short Story, C-Canon
- Republic 65: Show of Force, Part 1 (R65); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 66: Show of Force, Part 2 (R66); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 67: Forever Young (R67); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 68: Armor (R68); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Heroes on Both Sides" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 5 (CWA5:HoBS); Comic, C-Canon
- Secrets of the Jedi (SotJ); Junior Novel, C-Canon [Part 2]
- Skyewalkers: A Clone Wars Story (S:ACWS); Novella, C-Canon
- Jedi Trial (JT); Novel, C-Canon {14:2}
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 21" (CW21); Television Episode, C-Canon [Part 2]
- "Skywalkers" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 2 (CWA2:S); Comic, C-Canon
- Republic 69: Dreadnaughts of Rendili, Part 1 (R69); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 70: Dreadnaughts of Rendili, Part 2 (R70); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 71: Dreadnaughts of Rendili, Part 3 (R71); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Another Fine Mess" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 4 (CWA4:AFM); Comic, C-Canon
- "Appetite for Adventure" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 9 (CWA9:AfA); Comic, C-Canon
- "Waiting"- Clone Wars Adventures Volume 10 (CWA10:W); Comic, C-Canon
- Yoda: Dark Rendezvous (Y:DR); Novel, C-Canon {14:3}
- "Life Below" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 9 (CWA9:LB); Comic, C-Canon
- "No Way Out" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 9 (CWA9:NWO); Comic, C-Canon
- Out Foxed (TCW:OF); Short Story, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Cat and Mouse" (TCWs2e16); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Shadowed (TCW:Sha); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Hidden Enemy" (TCWs1e16); Television Episode, T-Canon
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (14:3:? - 14:.3:?)[edit | edit source]
- The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: The Way of the Jedi (TCW:DYD:TWotJ); Choose Your Own Adventure, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: Tethan Battle Adventure (TCW:DYD:TBA); Choose Your Own Adventure, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Clone Cadets" (TCWs3e1); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Supply Lines" (TCWs3e3); Television Episode, T-Canon {14:4}
- The Clone Wars: Wild Space (TCW:WS); Novel, C-Canon [Concurrent with The Clone Wars: The Fall of Falleen, The Clone Wars - "Downfall of a Droid" and The Clone Wars: Discount]
- The Clone Wars: The Fall of Falleen (TCW:TFoF); Webcomic, C-Canon [Concurrent with The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Downfall of a Droid" (TCWs1e6); Television Episode, T-Canon [Concurrent with The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
- The Clone Wars: Discount (TCW:D): Webcomic, C-Canon [Concurrent with The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
- The Clone Wars: Prelude (TCW:P); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Ambush" (TCWs1e1); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Duel of the Droids" (TCWs1e7); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:4:14 - Star Wars Insider 67 (RHNNCE14:4:14); Short Story, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Shakedown (TCW:S); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Rising Malevolence" (TCWs1e2); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Procedure (TCW:Pro); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Shadow of Malevolence" (TCWs1e3); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Agenda (TCW:A); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Destroy Malevolence" (TCWs1e4); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels (SW:TCW:LD); Video Game, C-Canon / S-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Mouse Hunt (TCW:MH); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Rookies" (TCWs1e5); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Departure (TCW:Dep); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Bombad Jedi" (TCWs1e8); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Transfer (TCW:T); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Cloak of Darkness" (TCWs1e9); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: The Dreams of General Grievous (TCW:TDoGG); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Lair of Grievous" (TCWs1e10); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Shipyards of Doom (TCW:SoD); Comic Digest, C-Canon {14:5}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance (SW:TCW:JA); Video Game, C-Canon / S-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 1: Breakout Squad (TCW:SM1:BS); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Bait (TCW:B); Webcomic, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 2: Curse of the Black Hole Pirates (TCW:SM2:CotBHP); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Dooku Captured" (TCWs1e11); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Switch (TCW:Swi); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Gungan General" (TCWs1e12); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 3: Duel at Shattered Rock (TCW:SM3:DaSR); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 4: Guardians of the Chiss Key (TCW:SM4:GotCK); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- "Honor Bound" - Star Wars Tales 22 (T22:HB); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Republic Commando (SW:RC); Video Game, C-Canon
- Republic Commando: Triple Zero (RC:TZ); Novel, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Crash Course (TCW:CC); Comic Digest, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: The Lost Legion (TCW:DYD:TLL); Choose Your Own Adventure, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: No Prisoners (TCW:NP); Novel, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Headgames (TCW:H); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Jedi Crash" (TCWs1e13); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Neighbors (TCW:N); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Defenders of Peace" (TCWs1e14); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Cold Snap (TCW:CS); Webcomic, C-Canon {14:6}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Trespass" (TCWs1e15); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth (CWG:Ste); Novel, C-Canon
- Clone Wars Gambit: Siege (CWG:Sie); Novel, C-Canon
- Republic Commando: Odds (RC:O); Short Story, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: The Valley (TCW:TV); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Blue Shadow Virus" (TCWs1e17); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Mystery of a Thousand Moons" (TCWs1e18); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Covetous (TCW:C); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Storm Over Ryloth" (TCWs1e19); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Curfew (TCW:Cur); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Innocents of Ryloth" (TCWs1e20); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: The Ballad of Cham Syndulla (TCW:TBoCS); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Liberty on Ryloth" (TCWs1e21); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes (SW:TCW:RH); Video Game, C-Canon / S-Canon
- The Clone Wars 7: In Service of the Republic, Part 1 (TCW7); Comic Book, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars 8: In Service of the Republic, Part 2 (TCW8); Comic Book, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars 9: In Service of the Republic, Part 3 (TCW9); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Bounty Hunters" (TCWs2e17); Television Episode, T-Canon {14:7}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Holocron Heist" (TCWs2e1); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Cargo of Doom" (TCWs2e2); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct (TCW:AoI); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Children of the Force" (TCWs2e3); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: The Valsedian Operation (TCW:TVO); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Zillo Beast" (TCWs2e18); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Zillo Beast Strikes Back" (TCWs2e19); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars 10: Hero of the Confederacy, Part 1 (TCW10); Comic Book, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars 11: Hero of the Confederacy, Part 2 (TCW11); Comic Book, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars 12: Hero of the Confederacy, Part 3 (TCW12); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Senate Spy" (TCWs2e4); Television Episode, T-Canon {14:8}
- "Graduation Day" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 10 (CWA10:GD); Comic, C-Canon
- "Inside Job" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.1 (TCWC:IJ); Comic, C-Canon
- Prelude to "Point Rain" (PtPR); Short Story, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Landing at Point Rain" (TCWs2e5); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Weapons Factory" (TCWs2e6); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Legacy of Terror" (TCWs2e7); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Brain Invaders" (TCWs2e8); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Keep the Faith!" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.2 (TCWC:KtF); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Grievous Intrigue" (TCWs2e9); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Deserter" (TCWs2e10); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: The Wind Raiders of Taloraan (TCW:TWRoT); Comic Digest, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: The Colossus of Destiny (TCW:TCoD); Comic Digest, C-Canon
- "Celestia Galactica Photografica" - Star Wars: Visionaries (V:CGP); Comic, C-Canon [Mygeeto Burns]
- Republic Commando: True Colors (RC:TC); Novel, C-Canon {14:9}
- The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: Dooku's Secret Army (TCW:DYD:DSA); Choose Your Own Adventure, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: Crisis on Coruscant (TCW:DYD:CoC); Choose Your Own Adventure, C-Canon
- "In Triplicate" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.3 (TCWC:IT); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Lightsaber Lost" (TCWs2e11); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Mandalore Plot" (TCWs2e12); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Voyage of Temptation" (TCWs2e13); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Duchess of Mandalore" (TCWs2e14); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "The Droid Deception" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.4 (TCWC:TDD); Comic, C-Canon
- "Terror on the Twilight" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.5 (TCWC:TotT); Comic, C-Canon
- "Milk Run to Maarka!" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.6 (TCWC:MRtM); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Death Trap" (TCWs2e20); Television Episode, T-Canon {14:10}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "R2 Come Home" (TCWs2e21); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Lethal Trackdown" (TCWs2e22); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Foreclosure" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.7 (TCWC:F); Comic, C-Canon
- "A Trooper's Tail" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.8 (TCWC:ATT); Comic, C-Canon
- "A Little Help on Hakara" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.9 (TCWC:AKHoT); Comic, C-Canon
- "Suited" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.10 (TCWC:S); Comic, C-Canon
- "Prize Contender" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.11 (TCWC:PC); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Corruption" (TCWs3e5); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Academy" (TCWs3e6); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Assassin" (TCWs3e7); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "The Professional!" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.12 (TCWC:TP); Comic, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Deadly Hands of Shon-Ju (TCW:DHoS-J); Comic Digest, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "ARC Troopers" (TCWs3e2); Television Episode, T-Canon {14:11}
- The Clone Wars: The Gauntlet of Death (TCW:TGoD); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Sphere of Influence" (TCWs3e4); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Deep Forest" - Star Wars: Visionaries (V:DF); Comic, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Invitation Only (TCW:IO); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Evil Plans" (TCWs3e8); Television Episode, T-Canon {14:12}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Hostage Crisis" (TCWs1e22); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Hunting the Hunters (Part I) (TCW:HtH1); Webcomic, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Hunting the Hunters (Part II) (TCW:HtH2); Webcomic, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Hunting the Hunters (Part III) (TCW:HtH3); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Hunt for Ziro" (TCWs3e9); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "The Guns on Nar Hekka" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.13 (TCWC:TGoNH); Comic, C-Canon
- "In the Air" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.14 (TCWC:ItA); Comic, C-Canon
- "Spices & Spies" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.15 (TCWC:S&S); Comic, C-Canon
- "Blind Jedi's Bluff" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.29 (TCWC:BJB); Comic, C-Canon
- "Hunted" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.16 (TCWC:H); Comic, C-Canon {15:1}
- "Burn the Behemoth!" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars UK 6.17 (TCWC:BtB); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Heroes on Both Sides" (TCWs3e10); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Pursuit of Peace" (TCWs3e11); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Senate Murders" (TCWs2e15); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Repel All Borders" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.18 (TCWC:RAB); Comic, C-Canon
- "Dug Out" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.19 (TCWC:DO); Comic, C-Canon
- "Outgunned" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.20 (TCWC:O); Comic, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: The Starcrusher Trap (TCW:TST); Comic Digest, C-Canon
- "The Feral Queen" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.21 (TCWC:TFQ); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Overlords" (TCWs3e15); Television Episode, T-Canon {15:2}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Altar of Mortis" (TCWs3e16); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Ghosts of Mortis" (TCWs3e17); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Leisure" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.22 (TCWC:L); Comic, C-Canon
- "Fashion" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.23 (TCWC:Fas); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Citadel" (TCWs3e18); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Counterattack" (TCWs3e19); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Citadel Rescue" (TCWs3e20); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Runaway Starfighter" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.24 (TCWC:RS); Comic, C-Canon
- "Younglings" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.25 (TCWC:Y); Comic, C-Canon
- "Downhill" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.43 (TCWC:D); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Padawan Lost" (TCWs3e21); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Wookiee Hunt" (TCWs3e22); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: The Enemy Within (TCW:TEW); Comic Digest, C-Canon {15:3}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Kidnapped" (TCWs4e11); Television Episode, T-Canon [Concurrent with The Clone Wars 1: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 1: The Mystery of Kiros and The Clone Wars 2: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 2: Slave Traders of Zygerria]
- The Clone Wars 1: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 1: The Mystery of Kiros (TCW1); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Kidnapped"]
- The Clone Wars 2: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 2: Slave Traders of Zygerria (TCW2); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Kidnapped"]
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Slaves of the Republic" (TCWs4e12); Television Episode, T-Canon [Concurrent with The Clone Wars 3: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 3: The Depths of Zygerria and The Clone Wars 4: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 4: Auction of a Million Souls]
- The Clone Wars 3: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 3: The Depths of Zygerria (TCW3); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Slaves of the Republic"]
- The Clone Wars 4: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 4: Auction of a Million Souls (TCW4); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Slaves of the Republic"]
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Escape from Kadavo" (TCWs4e13); Television Episode, T-Canon [Concurrent with The Clone Wars 5: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 5: A Slave Now, A Slave Forever and The Clone Wars 6: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 6: Escape from Kadavo]
- The Clone Wars 5: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 5: A Slave Now, A Slave Forever (TCW5); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Escape from Kadavo"]
- The Clone Wars 6: Slaves of the Republic, Chapter 6: Escape from Kadavo (TCW6); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Escape from Kadavo"]
- "The Only Good Clanker" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.26 (TCWC:TOGC); Comic, C-Canon
- "Under the Hammer" - Star Wars Comic UK 7.6 (SWC:UTH); Comic, C-Canon
- "Night Moves!" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.27 (TCWC:NM); Comic, C-Canon
- "Jedi Masquerade" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.28 (TCWC:JM); Comic, C-Canon
- Routine Valor (RV); Comic Book, C-Canon {15:4}
- "Ahsoka's Ark" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.36 (TCWC:AA); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Nightsisters" (TCWs3e12); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Monster" (TCWs3e13); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Strange Allies (TCW:SA); Comic Digest, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Witches of the Mist" (TCWs3e14); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Sabotage" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.38 (TCWC:Sab); Comic, C-Canon
- Speaking Silently (SS); Short Story, C-Canon {15:5}
- "Out" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.30 (TCWC:Out); Comic, C-Canon
- "Deadly Droid" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.31 (TCWC:DD); Comic, C-Canon
- "The Fear Architects" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.32 (TCWC:TFA); Comic, C-Canon
- "A Small Scrappy War!" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.33 (TCWC:ASSW); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Water War" (TCWs4e1); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Gungan Attack" (TCWs4e2); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Prisoners" (TCWs4e3); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Warriors of the Deep (TCW:WotD); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- "Colony Crisis" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.48 (TCWC:CC); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Shadow Warrior" (TCWs4e4); Television Episode, T-Canon
- MedStar I: Battle Surgeons (MSI:BS); Novel, C-Canon
- MedStar: Intermezzo (MS:I); Short Story, C-Canon
- MedStar II: Jedi Healer (MSII:JH); Novel, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Mercy Mission" (TCWs4e5); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Nomad Droids" (TCWs4e6); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Darkness on Umbara" (TCWs4e7); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The General" (TCWs4e8); Television Episode, T-Canon {15:6}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Plan of Dissent" (TCWs4e9); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Carnage of Krell" (TCWs4e10); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Frozen Out" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.34 (TCWC:FO); Comic, C-Canon
- "Bacta Raid" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.35 (TCWC:BR); Comic, C-Canon
- "Incident on Kashyyyk" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.37 (TCWC:IoK); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "A Friend in Need" (TCWs4e14); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Dead Shadows" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.39 (TCWC:DS); Comic, C-Canon
- "Hypermatters" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.40 (TCWC:H); Comic, C-Canon
- "Lockdown" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.47 (TCWC:Loc); Comic, C-Canon
- "The Collector" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.42 (TCWC:TC); Comic, C-Canon
- The Clone Wars: The Smuggler's Code (TCW:TSC); Comic Digest, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Deception" (TCWs4e15); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Friends and Enemies" (TCWs4e16); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Box" (TCWs4e17); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Crisis on Naboo" (TCWs4e18); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Paradise Lost" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.52 (TCWM:PL); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Massacre" (TCWs4e19); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Mandalorian Memories" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.41 (TCWC:MM); Comic, C-Canon {15:7}
- "Mask of Iron" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.44 (TCWC:MoI); Comic, C-Canon
- "Power Down" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.45 (TCWC:PD); Comic, C-Canon
- "Bane vs ...Bane?" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.46 (TCWC:BvB); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Bounty" (TCWs4e20); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Brothers" (TCWs4e21); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Wrath of Darth Maul (TWoDM); Junior Novel, C-Canon [Prologue, Ch.18 and Epilogue, Concurrent with Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Brothers"]
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Revenge" (TCWs4e22); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: The Sith Hunters (TCW:TSH); Comic Digest, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "A War on Two Fronts" (TCWs5e2); Television Episode, T-Canon {15:8}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Front Runners" (TCWs5e3); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Soft War" (TCWs5e4); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Tipping Points" (TCWs5e5); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "An Old Friend" (TCWs6e5); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Rise of Clovis" (TCWs6e6); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Crisis at Heart" (TCWs6e7); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Spy Girls" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 7 (CWA7:SG); Comic, C-Canon
- Darth Maul: Death Sentence 1 (DM:DS1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Maul: Death Sentence 2 (DM:DS2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Maul: Death Sentence 3 (DM:DS3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Maul: Death Sentence 4 (DM:DS4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Gathering" (TCWs5e6); Television Episode, T-Canon {15:9}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "A Test of Strength" (TCWs5e7); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Bound for Rescue" (TCWs5e8); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "A Necessary Bond" (TCWs5e9); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Defenders of the Lost Temple (TCW:DotLT); Comic Digest, C-Canon
- General Grievous 1 (GG1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- General Grievous 2 (GG2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- General Grievous 3 (GG3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- General Grievous 4 (GG4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "It Takes a Thief" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 6 (CWA6:ITaT); Comic, C-Canon
- "The Drop" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 6 (CWA6:TD); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Secret Weapons" (TCWs5e10); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "A Sunny Day in the Void" (TCWs5e11); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Missing in Action" (TCWs5e12); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Point of No Return" (TCWs5e13); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Seeds" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.49 (TCWC:See); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Revival" (TCWs5e1); Television Episode, T-Canon {15:10}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Eminence" (TCWs5e14); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Shades of Reason" (TCWs5e15); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Lawless" (TCWs5e16); Television Episode, T-Canon
- The Clone Wars: Darth Maul: Shadow Conspiracy (TCW:DM:SC); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- "The Runaway Ride" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.50 (TCWC:TRR); Comic, C-Canon
- "Deadly Allies" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.51 (TCWC:DA); Comic, C-Canon
- "Update" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.53 (TCWC:U); Comic, C-Canon
- "Hotshot" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.54 (TCWC:Hot); Comic, C-Canon
- "The Masked Racer" - Star Wars Comic UK 7.3 (SWC:TMR); Comic, C-Canon
- "Yoda Uncovered" - Star Wars Comic UK 7.8 (SWC:YU); Comic, C-Canon {15:11}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Sabotage" (TCWs5e17); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much" (TCWs5e17); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "To Catch a Jedi" (TCWs5e18); Televison Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Wrong Jedi" (TCWs5e19); Television Episode, T-Canon
- "Labyrinth" - Star Wars Comic UK 7.2 (SWC:L); Comic, C-Canon
- "Means and Ends" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 6 (CWA6:MaE); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Unknown" (TCWs6e1); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Conspiracy" (TCWs6e2); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Fugitive" (TCWs6e3); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Orders" (TCWs6e4); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Disappeared, Part 1" (TCWs6e8); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Disappeared, Part 2" (TCWs6e9); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Lost One" (TCWs6e10); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Voices" (TCWs6e11); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Destiny" (TCWs6e12); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Sacrifice" (TCWs6e13); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir 1 (DM:SoD1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir 2 (DM:SoD2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir 3 (DM:SoD3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir 4 (DM:SoD4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 72: Trackdown, Part 1 (R72); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 73: Trackdown, Part 2 (R73); Comic Book, C-Canon {15:12}
- Boba Fett: A New Threat (BF:ANT); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Boba Fett: Pursuit (BF:P); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- "Wat Tambor and the Quest for the Sacred Eye of the Albino Cyclops" - Star Wars: Visionaries (V:WTatQftSEotAC); Comic, C-Canon
- Obsession 1 (O1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Obsession 2 (O2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Obsession 3 (O3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Obsession 4 (O4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Obsession 5 (O5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel (RC:O66); Novel; C-Canon {16:1}
- "Pathways"- Clone Wars Adventures Volume 8 (CWA8:V); Comic, C-Canon
- "The Brink" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 4 (CWA4:TB); Comic, C-Canon {16:2}
- "Creature Comfort" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 7 (CWA7:CC); Comic, C-Canon
- "This Precious Shining" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 7 (CWA7:TPS); Comic, C-Canon
- "Thunder Road" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 10 (CWA10:TR); Comic, C-Canon
- "Chain of Command" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 10 (CWA10:CoC); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "A Death on Utapau" (TCW:s6e14); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "In Search of the Crystal" (TCW:s6e15); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Crystal Crisis" (TCW:s6e16); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Big Bang" (TCW:s6e17); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Bad Batch" (TCW:s7e1); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "A Distant Echo" (TCW:s7e2); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "On the Wings of Keeradaks" (TCW:s7e3); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Unfinished Business" (TCW:s7e4); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Gone with a Trace" (TCW:s7e5); Television Episode, T-Canon {16:3}
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Deal No Deal" (TCW:s7e6); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Dangerous Debt" (TCW:s7e7); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Together Again" (TCW:s7e8); Television Episode, T-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 22" (CW22); Television Episode, C-Canon [Part 1] {16:4}
- Star Wars - Free Comic Book Day 2005 Special (FCBD05S); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Celestia Galactica Photografica" - Star Wars: Visionaries (V:CGP); Comic, C-Canon [Bridgeworld Lost]
- "The Artist of Naboo" - Star Wars: Visionaries (V:TAoN); Comic, C-Canon
- Labyrinth of Evil (LoE); Novel, C-Canon [Concurrent with Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25]
- Evasive Action: Reversal of Fortune (EA:RoF); Webcomic, C-Canon [Concurrent with Labyrinth of Evil, What Goes Up... and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
- Republic 74: Siege of Saleucami, Part 1 (R74); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Labyrinth of Evil]
- Republic 75: Siege of Saleucami, Part 2 (R75); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Labyrinth of Evil]
- Republic 76: Siege of Saleucami, Part 3 (R76); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Labyrinth of Evil]
- Republic 77: Siege of Saleucami, Part 4 (R77); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Labyrinth of Evil] {16:5:5}
- "What Goes Up..." - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 5 (CWA5:WGU); Comic, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 22" (CW22); Television Episode, C-Canon [Part 2, Concurrent with Labyrinth of Evil]
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 23" (CW23); Television Episode, C-Canon [Concurrent with Labyrinth of Evil]
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 24" (CW24); Television Episode, C-Canon [Concurrent with Labyrinth of Evil]
- Star Wars: Clone Wars - "Chapter 25" (CW25); Television Episode, C-Canon [Concurrent with Labyrinth of Evil]
- "Celestia Galactica Photografica" - Star Wars: Visionaries (V:CGP); Comic, C-Canon [Utapau Surrenders]
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Old Friends Not Forgotten" (TCWs7e9); Television Episode, T-Canon [Concurrent with Labyrinth of Evil and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (16:5:20 - 16:5:24)[edit | edit source]
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "The Phantom Apprentice" (TCW:s7e10); Television Episode, T-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
- "Sithisis" - Star Wars: Visionaries (V:S); Comic, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
- Republic 81: The Hidden Enemy, Part 1 (R81); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
- "To the Vanishing Point" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 6 (CWA6:TtVP); Comic, C-Canon
- Republic 82: The Hidden Enemy, Part 2 (R82); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Shattered" (TCW:s7e11); Television Episode, T-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
- "The Order of Outcasts" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 5 (CWA5:TOoO); Comic, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
- "Orders" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 4 (CWA4:O); Comic, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
- Republic 83: The Hidden Enemy, Part 3 (R83); Comic Book, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
- Hammer (H); Short Story, C-Canon
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Victory and Death" (TCW:s7e12); Television Episode, T-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
- "Descent" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 4 (CWA4:D); Comic, C-Canon [Concurrent with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith]
- Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke (LW); Short Story, C-Canon
- Incognito (Inc); Short Story, C-Canon
- Republic 79: Into the Unknown, Part 1 (R79); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 80: Into the Unknown, Part 2 (R80); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Republic 78: Loyalties (R78); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Salvaged" - Clone Wars Adventures Volume 9 (CWA9:S); Comic, C-Canon
- Imperial Commando: 501st (IC:501); Novel, C-Canon
- The Last One Standing (TLOS); Short Story, C-Canon
- Purge (P); Comic Book, C-Canon {c. 16:6:22}
- Kenobi (K); Novel, C-Canon
- Dark Times 1: The Path to Nowhere, Part 1 (DT1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 2: The Path to Nowhere, Part 2 (DT2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 3: The Path to Nowhere, Part 3 (DT3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 4: The Path to Nowhere, Part 4 (DT4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 5: The Path to Nowhere, Part 5 (DT5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader (DL:TRoDV); Novel, C-Canon
- Purge: Seconds to Die (P:StD); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Purge: The Hidden Blade (P:THB); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Lost Command 1 (DVatLC1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Lost Command 2 (DVatLC2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Lost Command 3 (DVatLC3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Lost Command 4 (DVatLC4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Lost Command 5 (DVatLC5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Purge: The Tyrant's Fist, Part 1 (P:TTF1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Purge: The Tyrant's Fist, Part 2 (P:TTF2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Coruscant Night I: Jedi Twilight (CNI:JT); Novel, C-Canon
- Dark Times 6: Parallels, Part 1 (DT6); Comic Book, C-Canon {16:7:24}
- Dark Times 7: Parallels, Part 2 (DT7); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 8: Parallels, Part 3 (DT8); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 9: Parallels, Part 4 (DT9); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 10: Parallels, Part 5 (DT10); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 11: Vector, Part 5 (DT11); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 12: Vector, Part 6 (DT12); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin 1 (DVatNA1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin 2 (DVatNA2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin 3 (DVatNA3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin 4 (DVatNA4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin 5 (DVatNA5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 0: Blue Harvest, Prologue (DT0); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 13: Blue Harvest, Part 1 (DT13); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 14: Blue Harvest, Part 2 (DT14); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 15: Blue Harvest, Part 3 (DT15); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 16: Blue Harvest, Part 4 (DT16); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times 17: Blue Harvest, Part 5 (DT17); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: Out of the Wilderness 1 (DT:OotW1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: Out of the Wilderness 2 (DT:OotW2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: Out of the Wilderness 3 (DT:OotW3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: Out of the Wilderness 4 (DT:OotW4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: Out of the Wilderness 5 (DT:OotW5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison 1 (DVatGP1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison 2 (DVatGP2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison 3 (DVatGP3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison 4 (DVatGP4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison 5 (DVatGP5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: Fire Carrier 1 (DT:FC1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: Fire Carrier 2 (DT:FC2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: Fire Carrier 3 (DT:FC3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: Fire Carrier 4 (DT:FC4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: Fire Carrier 5 (DT:FC5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows 1 (DVatCoS1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows 2 (DVatCoS2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows 3 (DVatCoS3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows 4 (DVatCoS4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows 5 (DVatCoS5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: A Spark Remains 1 (DT:ASR1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: A Spark Remains 2 (DT:ASR2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: A Spark Remains 3 (DT:ASR3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: A Spark Remains 4 (DT:ASR4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Dark Times: A Spark Remains 5 (DT:ASR5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- In His Image (IHI); Short Story, C-Canon
- Dark Vendetta (GM8:DV); Short Story, C-Canon
- Evasive Action: Recruitment (EA:R); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Mist Encounter (ME); Short Story, C-Canon
- Evasive Action: Prey (EA:P); Webcomic, C-Canon
- Evasive Action: End Game (EA:EG); Webcomic, C-Canon
- The Last of the Jedi: The Desperate Mission (TLotJ:TDM); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- The Last of the Jedi: Dark Warning (TLotJ:DW); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Ghosts of the Sith (GotS); Short Story, C-Canon
- The Last of the Jedi: Underworld (TLotJ:U); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- The Last of the Jedi: Death on Naboo (TLotJ:DoN); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Coruscant Nights II: Streets of Shadows (CNII:SoS); Novel, C-Canon
- The Last of the Jedi: A Tangled Web (TLotJ:ATW); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- The Last of the Jedi: Return of the Dark Side (TLotJ:RotDS); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- The Last of the Jedi: Secret Weapon (TLotJ:SW); Junior Novel, C-Canon
- Coruscant Nights III: Patterns of Force (CNIII:PoF); Novel, C-Canon
- Lords of the Sith (LotS); Novel, A-Canon
- Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 - Tales of the Bounty Hunters (TotBH:TIA); Short Story, C-Canon
- Droids 1: The Destroyer (MD1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids 2: The Ultimate Weapon (MD2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids 3: The Scarlet Pilot (MD3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids 4: Lost in Time (MD4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids 5: Seperated (MD5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "The White Witch" (Ds1e2); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "Escape Into Terror" (Ds1e2); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "The Trigon Unleashed" (Ds1e3); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "A Race to the Finish" (Ds1e4); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "The Lost Prince" (Ds1e5); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "The New King" (Ds1e6); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "The Pirates of Tarnoonga" (Ds1e7); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "The Revenge of Kybo Ren" (Ds1e8); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "Coby and the Starhunters" (Ds1e9); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "The Great Heap" (D:TGH); Television Special, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "Tail of the Roon Comets" (Ds1e10); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "The Roon Games" (Ds1e11); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "Across the Roon Sea" (Ds1e12); Television Episode, C-Canon
- Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - "The Frozen Citadel" (Ds1e13); Television Episode, C-Canon
- "Turning Point" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 5 (AJ5:TP); Short Story, C-Canon
- Droids: Special 1 (DS1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: The Kalarba Adventures 1 (D:TKA1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: The Kalarba Adventures 2 (D:TKA2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: The Kalarba Adventures 3 (D:TKA3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: The Kalarba Adventures 4 (D:TKA4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: The Kalarba Adventures 5 (D:TKA5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: Artoo's Day Out (D:ADO); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: The Kalarba Adventures 6 (D:TKA6); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: Rebellion 1 (D1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: Rebellion 2 (D2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: Rebellion 3 (D3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: Rebellion 4 (D4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: Season of Revolt 1 (D5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: Season of Revolt 2 (D6); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: Season of Revolt 3 (D7); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: Season of Revolt 4 (D8); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Droids: The Protocol Offensive (D:TPO); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "Out of the Cradle" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 2 (AJ2:OotC); Short Story, C-Canon
- Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire 1 (BF:EotE1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire 2 (BF:EotE2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire 3 (BF:EotE3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire 4 (BF:EotE4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- "The Lost City of Tatooine" - Dig Archaeology Magazine (DAM:TLCoT); Short Story, C-Canon
- Agent of the Empire: Iron Eclipse, Part 1 (AotE:IE1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Agent of the Empire: Iron Eclipse, Part 2 (AotE:IE2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Agent of the Empire: Iron Eclipse, Part 3 (AotE:IE3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Agent of the Empire: Iron Eclipse, Part 4 (AotE:IE4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Agent of the Empire: Iron Eclipse, Part 5 (AotE:IE5); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Agent of the Empire: Hard Targets, Part 1 (AotE:HT1); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Agent of the Empire: Hard Targets, Part 2 (AotE:HT2); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Agent of the Empire: Hard Targets, Part 3 (AotE:HT3); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Agent of the Empire: Hard Targets, Part 4 (AotE:HT4); Comic Book, C-Canon
- Agent of the Empire: Hard Targets, Part 5 (AotE:HT5); Comic Book, C-Canon